Weighted Moving Average


The Weighted Moving Average (WMA) is a technical analysis tool that helps traders and investors to determine the average price of a security over a period of time. It assigns a weight to each data point in the time series according to its importance, and calculates the average using the weighted values. It is commonly used to smooth out fluctuations in price data and to identify potential trends.

This moving average is calculated by multiplying each of the data points in the time series by a weight and then summing them together. The weight assigned to each data point is based on its importance. For example, a single day’s price data may be given a higher weight than a data point from a week ago, or the most recent price data may be given a higher weight than older data.

The weighted moving average is a useful tool for traders and investors because it allows them to see the general direction of the security’s price movements over a period of time. It also helps to identify potential trends in the price data.

A common use of the weighted moving average is to identify support and resistance levels. These are price levels where the security tends to move in a particular direction. For example, if the weighted moving average is increasing, it could indicate that the security’s price is trending upwards. Similarly, if the weighted moving average is decreasing, it could indicate that the security’s price is trending downwards.

The weighted moving average can also be used to identify potential buy and sell signals. When the price of a security is above the weighted moving average, it may be a good time to buy. Conversely, when the price of a security is below the weighted moving average, it may be a good time to sell.

This moving average can be used in conjunction with other technical indicators to help traders and investors make better decisions. For example, if the weighted moving average is trending upwards and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is also trending upwards, it may be a good indication that the security’s price will continue to increase.

The weighted moving average is a popular tool among traders and investors because it is easy to understand and use. It can also be used in conjunction with other technical indicators to provide a more comprehensive view of the security’s price movements. However, it is important to remember that the weighted moving average is only one of many different technical indicators and should not be used as the sole basis for making trading decisions.


  • Collect the data points you wish to use to calculate the weighted moving average.
  • Assign weights to each data point. The weights should reflect the importance of each data point, typically based on its age or how recently it was collected.
  • Multiply each data point by its corresponding weight.
  • Add all the multiplied results together.
  • Divide the sum of the multiplied results by the sum of the weights. This will give you the weighted moving average.

Explanation of terms and indicators

Here you will find information about the indicators in the chart and further explanations of terms.